Mission with Prophetic Power: The Journal of John Woolman (SRSC 12)
Chapter 4: The Ministry of Visitation to Individuals (1757–1759)
of mine are real duties. If I go on a visit to the widows and fatherless, do I go purely on a principle* of charity, free from any selfish views? If I go to a religious meeting it puts me on thinking whether I go in sincerity and in a clear sense of duty, or whether it is not partly in conformity to custom, or partly from a sensible delight which my animal spirits 2 feel in the company of other people, and whether to support my reputation as a religious man has no share in it. Do affairs relating to civil society call me near this infection? If I go, it is at the hazard of my health and life, and it becomes me to think seriously whether love to truth* and righteousness is the motive of my attending; whether the manner of proceeding is altogether equitable, or whether anything of narrowness, party interest, respect to outward dignities, names, or distinctions among men, do not stain the beauty of those assemblies, and render it doubtful; in point of duty, whether a disciple of Christ ought to attend as a member united to the body or not. Whenever there are blemishes which for a series of time remain such, that which is a means of stirring us up to look attentively on these blemishes, and to labor according to our capacities to have health and soundness restored in our country, we may justly account a kindness from our gracious Father, who appointed that means. The care of a wise and good man for his only son is inferior to the regard of the great Parent of the universe for His creatures. He has the command of all the powers and operations in nature, and “does not willingly afflict,
2 Animal Spirits – This phrase refers to the more crass or perhaps shallow human emotions.
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