Mo Power - Mas Poder

Mo’ Power: The Power to Be Delivered, To Overcome, and to Testify Rev. Dr. Don L. Davis, p. 64

Every Christian is called to be a witness of the Kingdom to those within their own unique life circle.


What is the key to power? Who in your oikos circle does not know the Lord Jesus?

How can you begin to pray and testify to them of Christ’s victory and God’s love for them? fffff

M AKE IT P LAIN . “One oikos at a time.”


1. Be the missionary to your friends, family, and associates, John 1.35ff.

2. Let Cornelius’ household be a model for you, Acts 10-11

3. The Philippian jailer’s entire household ( oikos ) was won, Acts 16.31-34


Loads of benefits to sharing with your oikos


The Power to Overcome Is Yours To Ministry Strategically

Why share with your oikos circle? – Natural networks – Receptive hearts – Share in the normal flow of life – No cold calling – Supportive relationships for new believers – Win whole families

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