Multiplying Laborers for the Urban Harvest

A p p e n d i x

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T h e C a p s t o n e C u r r i c u l u m

The Capstone Curriculum Developing Urban Christian Leaders for the Church and the Kingdom Matthew 21.42

Biblical Studies (God) Matthew 4.4

Christian Ministry (Church) Matthew 16.18-19 Module 3 Theology of the Church

Urban Mission (World) Matthew 5.14-16

Theology and Ethics (Kingdom) Matthew 6.9-10

Module 1 Conversion and Calling

Module 2 The Kingdom of God

Module 4 Foundations for Christian Mission

The Church Foreshadowed in God’s Plan

The Vision and Biblical Foundation for Christian Mission I The Vision and Biblical Foundation for Christian Mission II

The Word that Converts

God’s Reign Challenged

Christian Mission and the City

The Word that Creates

God’s Reign Invading

The Church as Witness

God’s Reign Inaugurated

God’s Reign Consummated

Christian Mission and the Poor

The Word that Convicts

The Word that Calls

The Church at Worship The Church at Work

Module 5 Bible Interpretation

Module 6 God the Father

Module 7 Foundations of Christian Leadership

Module 8 Evangelism and Spiritual Warfare

Prolegomena: The Doctrine of God and the Advance of the Kingdom

Biblical Inspiration: The Origins and Authority of the Bible

Biblical Literature: Interpreting the Genres of the Bible

Spiritual Warfare: Binding of the Strong Man

Evangelism: Methods to Reach the Urban Community

The Triune God: The Greatness of God

The Christian Leader as Deacon

The Christian Leader as Pastor

Biblical Studies: Using Study Tools in Bible Study

Evangelism: The Content of the Good News of the Kingdom

Biblical Hermeneutics: The Three-Step Model

God as Creator: The Providence of God

God as Father: The Goodness of God

The Christian Leader as Elder

The Christian Leader as Bishop

Follow-Up and Incorporation

Module 9 The Old Testament Witness to Christ and His Kingdom

Module 10 God the Son

Module 11 Practicing Christian Leadership

Module 12 Focus on Reproduction

Effective Church Discipline: Exhorting, Rebuking, and Restoring

Effective Worship Leading: Worship, Word, and Sacrament

Church Growth: Reproducing in Number and Quality

The Promise Personalized

Jesus, Messiah and Lord of All: He Came

Jesus, Messiah and Lord of All: He Died

Planting Urban Churches: Tending

The Promise Given

Effective Christian Education:

Jesus, Messiah and Lord of All: He Rose and Will Return

Effective Counseling: Preparing, Caring, and Healing

The Promise Universalized

Jesus, Messiah and Lord of All: He Lived

Planting Urban Churches: Sowing

Planting Urban Churches: Reaping

The Promise Clarified

Incorporating, Parenting, and Discipling

Module 13 The New Testament Witness to Christ and His Kingdom

Module 16 Doing Justice and Loving Mercy: Compassion Ministries

Module 14 God the Holy Spirit

Module 15 The Equipping Ministry

Let Justice Roll Down: The Vision and Theology of the Kingdom Doing Justice and Loving Mercy I: The Urban Congregation

Doing Justice and Loving Mercy II: Urban Community and Neighborhood

The Ministry of Proclamation: Kerygma I The Ministry of Proclamation: Kerygma II

The Ministry of Teaching: Didache I

The Messiah Announced

The Person of the Holy Spirit

The Powerful Presence of the Holy Spirit I

The Messiah Revealed

Doing Justice and Loving Mercy III: Society and World

The Ministry of Teaching: Didache II

The Messiah Vindicated

The Prophetic Work of the Holy Spirit

The Powerful Presence of the Holy Spirit II

The Messiah Opposed

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