Multiplying Laborers for the Urban Harvest

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T h e C a p s t o n e C u r r i c u l u m a n d S a c r e d R o o t s

As a satellite of the Institute, it is your task in all you do to point to this one common faith, this one grand tale of God’s faithful love to us all in Jesus Christ. It still has the power to transform, and can remake the cities of our nation and our world, as the Spirit leads. This is your task, and this is your privilege. As we do so, whatever leaders we train and whatever traditions they represent, we will have done our part as equippers in the body of Christ, and so have embodied and proven our connection to the Church, that one people of God as defined by the Nicene Creed: God’s “one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church.” A Capstone Module Each module (course) comes with a Mentor’s Guide, a Student Workbook and two DVD’s (four hours of video). Each module also has required supplemental textbooks. This curriculum is designed to be used in a variety of formats, time frames, and venues. As a complete training curriculum, itmay be accessed through The Urban Ministry Institute’s Satellite Certificate program. Affectionately called “a seminary in a box”, this curriculum will give you everything you need to equip yourself and your leaders for effective ministry in your church and community. For Our Satellites: Additional DVDs or Mentor Guides From time to time many of you will find it necessary to obtain additional copies of a mentors guide or DVD. It goes without saying that circumstances will arise when you will need to obtain additional copies of either (e.g. sponsoring simultaneous classes at different venues, lost or misplaced copies of DVDs, etc.). We want to accommodate all such circumstances while, at the same time protecting TUMI’s copyright on its own materials. As you already know, we demand that each TUMI site purchase official copies of our curricula directly from us via the TUMI store. We do not allow unauthorized duplication of any of our TUMI curricula. No satellite is allowed to make copies of any of our resources without receiving permission directly from us here at TUMI National. Anyone found to be duplicating our materials without our express consent may jeopardize the status of their site! This policy safeguards For more information about Sacred Roots, visit our web site

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