Multiplying Laborers for the Urban Harvest
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The Foundations for Ministry Series The Foundations for Ministry Series was designed from the courses taught at The Urban Ministry Institute’s “Hope School of Ministry” in Wichita. The topics and materials covered in these courses are foundational to effective urban ministry and will prove invaluable to anyone seeking to equip leaders in their cities. The Foundations for Ministry courses are self-directed studies created to help individual learners and/or study groups take advantage of quality theological instruction at an affordable price. Training Resource Kit This training kit may include the following (check the courses on-line to see what is included in a particular course package): • Workbook: 6-8 lessons with appendices • Audio files: MP3 files, each resource may have from 6 - 16 hours of audio • Syllabus (Course Instruction Plan): If you wanted to offer this resources to your students for credit, this will explain how to do that (TUMI Satellites) • Quizzes, Exams and Answer Key (TUMI Satellites) Multimedia Training Resource Kit This training kit may include the following (check the courses on-line to see what is included in a particular course package): • Workbook: 6-8 lessons with appendices • Audio files: MP3 files, each resource may have from 6 - 16 hours of audio • Powerpoint slides • DVD/video • Additional resources • Syllabus (Course Instruction Plan): If you wanted to offer this resources to your students for credit, this will explain how to do that (TUMI Satellites) • Quizzes, Exams and Answer Key (TUMI satellites) Our Foundations for Ministry Series courses are available in one of two formats:
Foundations for Ministry Courses
• Are divided into eight lessons so that two courses fit the educational “semester” system • Are designed to be taught in 16 classroom hours surpassing the well-accepted “CEU” (Continuing Education Unit) standards It is highly recommended that groups of students work on the same “Foundations” course simultaneously and meet regularly to discuss their learning under the guidance of a mentor who can both clarify the content, facilitate discussion about applications, and monitor the formal evaluations.
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