Multiplying Laborers for the Urban Harvest

A p p e n d i x

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How to Select and Orient Your Faculty As with any college, seminary, or training center, selecting the appropriate faculty is the heart of the leadership development enterprise. To have an incompetent and disoriented faculty is to ensure that your Institute will produce mediocre results. The men and women that God uses as trainers are not necessarily those with the most education, best socioeconomic background, or the most notoriety. God chooses and selects men and women of passion, integrity, goodness, and focus, along with biblical conviction, to pour their lives into his chosen vessels. The result of this oftentimes lengthy and painful process: disciples and disciple makers of Jesus! You cannot possibly over-emphasize the importance of selecting the right men and women to teach at your Institute, for Christ assured us that our students will inevitably become like their instructors. “A disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone who is perfectly trained will be like his teacher ” (Luke 6.40 [italics ours]). Your community offers a rich resource of pastors, teachers, and others who can be recruited to equip leaders at your Institute. We have defined your Institute’s faculty in one of two different categories: every faculty member is either a professor or a mentor . A professor is an Institute instructor who develops and/or implements courses, teaching classes, tutoring students, and leading seminars and conferences that fulfill the goals of your Institute in conjunction with us, The Urban Ministry Institute (see Appendix 16.1, “Professor’s Profile”). He or she should be a mature Christian, committed to the Church and the city, in agreement with World Impact’s Affirmation of Faith Statement, and possess an academic degree in a field related to the courses they teach at your Institute. Your professors are free to develop their own courses in conjunction with your vision, and teach these courses for credit under your supervision and care. A mentor is an Institute instructor who facilitates and/or assists the learning experience of the students in their taking of courses, classes, seminars, and conferences that fulfills the goals of your Institute in conjunction with us, The

A professor is an Institute instructor who develops and/ or implements courses, teaching classes, tutoring students, and leading seminars and conferences that fulfill the goals of your Institute.

A mentor is an Institute instructor who facilitates and/or assists the learning experience of the students in their taking of courses, classes, seminars, and conferences that fulfill the goals of your Institute.

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