Multiplying Laborers for the Urban Harvest
A p p e n d i x 1 7 A B a s i c I n t r o d u c t i o n t o R e c o r d K e e p i n g a t Y o u r S a t e l l i t e
4. Accurate recording and timely distribution of student transcripts (grades). Though the main point of the courses you host is not grades, your students will anxiously await their transcripts at the end of the course. Reasonably, the mentor or professor of a course should get his or her grades for their students to you within three weeks of the final exam. Be sure to accurately record each student’s class and grade on his or her transcript and in your files (see Appendix 19). ➢ 5. Awareness of your Institute in your community. Promotion is simply using every available means at your disposal to get the word out about your Institute. Please see Appendices 7.2 and 22 for a list of options as to how to raise monies for your Institute, as well as some ideas for how you can make your Institute’s presence known in your community.
➢ Satellites of The Urban Ministry Institute will receive access to the digital forms files to help accurately record and reproduce the Transcript found in Appendix 19.8. The transcript templates are available in English and Spanish.
6. Digital and hard copies of all your data. In the digital world, you can lose everything in one thunderstorm. Be sure to back up everything regularly.
7. A simple but accurate database of your students and faculty. A database can help organize your student and faculty information for ease and efficiency in correspondence and general mailings. It is fairly simple to set up a basic database that can support you as you administrate your satellite. Please see a sample of the information you might want to include in your student or faculty database below:
Student a. Student Number b. Student Name (Last, First) c. Student Address
d. Student City, State, Zip e. Student Date of Birth f. Student Sex (M/F) g. Student’s Marital Status (Married or Single) h. Student’s Spouse Name i. Student Pay Category (A, B, C) j. Student E-mail k. Student Phone (Day) l. Student Phone (Evening) m. Student’s Church n. Student’s Sr. Pastor o. Student’s Church Address and Phone
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