Multiplying Laborers for the Urban Harvest

A p p e n d i x

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Ordering and Purchasing Textbooks Most of the courses from The Urban Ministry Institute require textbooks for the students. The Site Coordinator will most likely be the one to order the necessary books and then sell them to the students on or before the first day of class. This means that the person ordering the books will have to purchase the books and then get reimbursed for their cost plus shipping from the students.

Out of Print Books

Wipf and Stock Publishers 199 West 8th Ave, Suite 3 Eugene, OR 97401

All of the required textbooks for our curricula are listed on The Urban Ministry Institute’s web site. (Please note that TUMI does not stock text books.)

Phone: (541) 344-1528 Fax: (541) 344-1506

The abbreviated process for ordering textbooks is as follows: 1. Sign on to The Urban Ministry Institute web site ( 2. Go to the specific curriculum you have or are going to purchase (e.g. The Capstone Curriculum, Foundations for Ministry Series ). 1 3. Find the specific course or module within that curriculum. 4. Click on the required texts and it will take you to the book at the web site where you can purchase it. Note: Most English texts are available through Amazon. Most Spanish texts are available through Next Step Resources. 5. Follow Amazon instructions for how to complete your order. The above process is a service you may provide that would be of great benefit and time savings for your students. Please feel free to acquire your textbooks from any source that is convenient, inexpensive, and efficient for you and your students. Out-of-Print Books If a book is out of print, that will be noted on our web site. We have reprinted the out of print books that we have used for our curricula through Wipf and Stock Publishers. You may contact them directly to order these books. If you telephone in your order AND order five or more copies of a book, you will receive a 40%discount for those books.

Amazon Prime Amazon Prime is a membership program that gives you fast shipping for eligible purchases. For an annual membership fee (approximately $80) you will enjoy: • Free two-day shipping • Inexpensive upgrades to one- day (overnight) shipping • Free standard shipping for eligible items 1 Please note: For the required textbooks for Capstone, type (for English) or (for Spanish) in the url. For the required textbooks for Foundations, type in the url.

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