Multiplying Laborers for the Urban Harvest

A p p e n d i x

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Course Recording

Site-Developed Course Numbering

You may find a wealth of theological and biblical resources right in your own community through various mentors, professors, pastors, or other educators who can contribute to your own well-rounded curriculum. We suggest that you employ a standard curriculum, and use professor-created or self-written courses as support. Our desire is that you find the right theological resources to design the most appropriate training curriculum you can for your students. Once you have determined what course(s) you would like to develop and teach at your satellite, the professor should complete the “Course Template Form” (see Appendix 16.4) and submit it to you. Then, you will need to do two things: 1. Determine the course number 2. A dd the newly determined course number to your course list (associated with your transcript file - a Quattro Pro file)

Remember: The “course number” is an at-a-glance identifier of the department area (ie, Biblical Studies, Theology and Ethics, Christian Ministry, or Urban Mission), the total credit hours, and the actual number assigned to the course.

Determining the Course Number

There are three steps in assigning a course number:

1. Determine which of the four departments the course belongs in, 2. Assign credit hours earned for taking the course, and 3. Assign a trailer number that identifies the course

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