Multiplying Laborers for the Urban Harvest

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The Story of God: Our Sacred Roots

Rev. Dr. Don L. Davis

Christus Victor

Come, Holy Spirit

Your Word Is Truth

The Great Confession

His Life in US

Living in the Way

Reborn to Serve

The Alpha and the Omega

The LORD God is the source, sustainer, and end of all things in the heavens and earth. All things ere formed and exist by his will and for his eternal glory, the triune God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Rom. 11.36. T he T riune G od ' s U nforlding D rama God's Self-Revelation in Creation, Israel, and Christ T he C hurch ' s P articipation in G od ' s U nfolding D rama Fidelity to the Apostolic Witness to Christ and His Kingdom The objective Foundation: The Sovereign Love of God God's Narration of His saving Work in Christ The Subjective Practice: Salvation by Grace Through Faith The Redeemed's Joyous Response to God's Saving Work in Christ

The Author of the Story The Father as Director

The Champion of the Story Jesus as Lead Actor Communal Identity Christ-centered Foundation Messianic Representing Recapitulation Typos and Fulfillment of the Convenant

The Interpreter of the Story The Spirit as Narrator

The Testimony of the Story Scripture as Script

The People of the Story As Saints, Confessors

Re-enactment of the Story As Worshipers, Ministers

Embodiment of the Story As Followers, Sajourners Congregational Discipleship Corporate, Ongoing Spiritual Formation Pastoral Oversight Shepherding the Flock Shared Spirituality Common Journey through the Spiritual Disciplines Embodiment Anamnesis and Prolepsis through the Chruch Year Effective Discipling Spiritual Formation in the Believing Assmbly Faithful Indwelling

Continuation of the Story As Servants, Ambassadors

Christain Worldview

Spiritual Experience

Biblical Authority

Orthodox Theology

Priestly Worship

Kingdom Witness

Theistic and Trinitarian Vision

Spirit-Indwelt and -Filled Comunity Divine Comforting Life-Giver Regeneration and Adoption Teacher Illuminator of the Truth Helper Endowment and the Power Guide Divine Presence and Shekinah

Canonical and Apostolic Witness

Ancient Creedal Affirmation of Faith

Weekly Gathering in Christian Assembly

Active Agents of the Reign of God

Sovereign Willing

Inspired Testifying

Truthful Retelling

Joyful Excelling

Hopeful Compelling

Creator True Maker of the Cosmos

Divine Inspiration God-breathed Word

The Confession of Faith Unon with Christ Baptism into Christ Communion of Saints The Rule of Faith Apostles' Creed and Nicene Creed The Vincentain Canon Ubiquity, Antiquity, Universality

Song and Celebration Historical Recitation Homilies and Techings Prophetic Prodamation The Lord's Supper Dramatic Re-enactment Eschatological Foreshadowing The Already/Not Yet

Explicit Unity Love for the Saints

Owner Sovereign Disposer of Creation Ruler Blessed Controller of All Things

Revealer Incarnation of the Word Redeemer Reconciler of All Things

Radical Hospitality Evidence of Gods's Kingdom Reign

Sacred History Historical Record

Biblical Theology Divine Commentary

Extravagant Generosity Good Works

Restorer Christ, the Victor over the Powers of evil

Spiritual Food Sustenance for the Journey

Evangelical Witness Making Disciples of All People Groups

Covenant Keeper Faithful Promisor

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