Multiplying Laborers for the Urban Harvest

A p p e n d i x

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S t u d e n t I n t e r e s t S u r v e y

11. If courses were offered that you were interested in taking, what would be the most convenient times for you to attend?

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. The information you and others give will help us to decide if we will have an Institute in our area and determine how we set it up. If you would like to receive more information about this potential Institute, please complete the information below:













12. If courses were offered that you were interested in taking, please indicate the session format that you prefer:  Weekend Session: meet four times within two days, 3 hours per meeting  3-day Session: meet four times within three days, 3 hours per meeting  4-day Session: meet four times within four days, 3 hours per meeting  5-day Session: meet two hours per day for four days, 4 hours the last day  2-week Session: meet two times per week for two weeks, 3 hours per meeting  4-week Session: meet once a week for four weeks, 3 hours per meeting 6-week Session: meet once a week for six weeks, 2 hours per meeting  8-week Session: meet one time every other week for eight weeks, 3 hours per meeting 13. In addition to the cost of purchasing a textbook, what tuition would you be willing to pay for a 12-hour course? (Please mark one)  $35  $50  $65  $80


14. Are you interested in teaching at an Institute?

 Yes

 No

15. If you answered “yes” to the previous question, what subjects do you feel you are qualified to teach?

P a g e

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