Multiplying Laborers for the Urban Harvest

M u l t i p l y i n g L a b o r e r s f o r t h e U r b a n H a r v e s t

Letter from the Director of The Urban Ministry Institute

Greetings in the strong name of Jesus Christ!

There is a new wind blowing among churches in regards to urban mission–the Church is awakening to the ripe harvest field of the urban poor! As the new century begins, the Lord is raising up a new generation of urban Christian workers, evangelists, pastors, teachers, missionaries, and justice seekers who have dedicated themselves to the city. God can bring new life and vitality to the urban church, and do it in such a way as to lead to transformation and revival amongst the poorest neighborhoods in the country. Nothing is impossible with God. At a time when traditional seminary level education is ballooning to new heights, we can offer you the opportunity to create, in an affordable way, your own training center. Our desire for you as a satellite of The Urban Ministry Institute is to provide you with all the quality resources that we can in order for you to equip your leaders with the greatest flexibility possible. You now have the opportunity to take responsibility for equipping the leaders in your own congregation or organization, and to partner with others to see a new generation of servant leaders deployed in our communities. We are devoted to helping you achieve your vision to raise up these kinds of servant leaders for your church and your city. This guidebook contains all of the necessary information you will need to get your satellite up and running. It anticipates and answers your questions about the “nuts and bolts” of the Institute-forming process. Much of this material is included for you as a reference. In addition, we have included all the practical steps necessary for you to begin a partnership with us. If you elect to start your own center, however, you will still have access to the full catalog of resources we have created for urban leadership development. We are confident that the Holy Spirit will lead you carefully as you listen and respond to his prompting. Our sincere desire is to provide you with all the expertise, resources, and assistance you need to make your training goals a reality. Only Christ can change the urban communities of America and the world. We are deeply grateful to be a part of this movement, and look forward to working together with you as seek to take our cities for God.

Gratefully yours in Christ,

Rev. Dr. Don L. Davis Director

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