Multiplying Laborers for the Urban Harvest

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5 O v e r v i e w o f T U M I W e b S i t e

TUMI Satellites Here you can access our Satellite Gateway, find out more about how you can partner with TUMI to start your own satellite, contact our Satellite Director, and find all of our current satellite locations. 1. TUMI Satellite Partner Gateway: This is our portal to TUMI's extensive satellite resource page for our satellite partners. 2. Establishing TUMI Satellites: We establish TUMI satellites in strategic partnership with churches, organizations, and church traditions in order to ensure that their leaders are equipped for effective urban ministry. City Gates: Using the TUMI Forums Our forums exist as information sharing spaces for open dialogues concerning key issues to urban leadership development and urban mission. TUMI staff will both read and post frequently on these forums, daily offering their opinions and commentary on the various subjects under discussion. Join us for engaging, fruitful dialogues on issues of advancing the Kingdom in the cities of the world! Our Media Center Here in our Media Center you will find audio and video presentation, and dozens of outlines, text files, and graphic documents. Each presentation covers some key facet of the theology and ethics of an urban Christian worldview that is grounded on Scripture, focused on Christ. Feel free to browse our resources and see how helpful and enriching Christian media can be to strengthen us in Christ and further his kingdom purposes. TUMI Store: Resources for your Leadership Training Our TUMI Store hosts several stores that sell our resources and products. From training curriculum to art, our store is intended to resource you as you seek to equip leaders and laborers for the Kingdom. Visit our TUMI Store today! Please note: each store with this section has its own shopping cart which means you will need to pay for items from the store you are in before you can purchase things from another store.

To Retrieve the Great Tradition We seek to retrieve and be informed by the Great Tradition in theology, spirituality, and service, i.e., that biblical thought and practice of the ancient, undivided Church which represents that evangelical, apostolic, and universal core of Christian faith and practice. TUMI seeks to renew and mobilize urban churches for effective worship, Christian community, and evangelical mission in the city, especially among those most hurting and neglected. To Enrich Spiritual Formation As TUMI strives to reconnect urban churches to the vitality of the Great Tradition, so we also explore ways to see how that same tradition can spiritually enrich and re-form our personal and congregational worship and discipleship. To Advance Pioneer Urban Missions TUMI collaborates with other like- minded churches and organizations to multiply and leverage its resources in order to advance pioneer missions provides you direct access to the heart and vision of the Institute's vision and burden for the city. This website hosts literally hundreds of live audio teachings, videos, and teaching outlines delivered by Dr. Davis and other World Impact leaders, and they are all free to be listened to, viewed, read online, or downloaded. Search topics by biblical book, type of media, teaching series, topic, or speaker. Come, share the vision behind our ministry, which through the Lord is helping to equip hundreds of urban leaders to advance the Kingdom of Christ! To Promote Urban Church Renewal among the urban unreached, especially among the poor.

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Help: Find Answers to Your Questions and Report Web Technical Issues 1. Frequently Asked Questions: Here you will find a list of many of the common questions people ask us about TUMI and the programming we offer. 2. Overview of TUMI Website: In order to help you better understand our site, all of the categories on our top menu are listed, summarized, and linked to their location on this page.

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