Multiplying Laborers for the Urban Harvest
A p p e n d i x
Estimated Fees to Start Your Satellite and First Class Listed below is a sample of what it would cost to start a leadership training center in your community. It includes virtually everything you will need in order to establish your satellite, as well as how to budget for your first class (see Appendix 7.1). Do not despair! The items below represent what a site would need to purchase if it started from scratch, that is, if it did not possess anything. That means, for those items you now have, you can deduct that amount from your overall startup costs. Depending on the equipment you have access to, you can save up to $4,300 (about 75%) of your overall cost!
Classroom Supplies List Overhead projector transparencies Overhead projector light bulbs Overhead projector markers Dry eraser and markers
Office Supplies List Surge Protector Printer cartridge Calendar Hanging files and folders Paper Mailing Envelopes (#10) Writing utensils Scissors, tape Stapler and staples
Satellite Site License Fee:
$1,500 $ 150
Monthly Fees:
Telephone Charges Internet Charges Classroom Rental
$ 30 $ 20 $100 $150
Total Monthly Fees:
Classroom Expenses:
One Capstone Module (see Appendix1 13) $ 150 10 student workbooks @ $25 each 1 $ 250 Module Textbooks 2 $ 300 TV - 27” $ 300 DVD player $ 100 Cart $ 120 Overhead Projector $ 300 CD Player $ 100 Classroom Supplies $ 60 Classroom Expense Total: $1,680
1 Please check our website for the current cost of our modules and student workbooks. 2 The module textbooks figure represents an average book cost of $30 per student, per module. Actual costs may vary. 3 This figure does not reflect any honorarium given for either mentors or professors. 4 The annual renewal fee is due upon the start of your second year as a Satellite of TUMI and includes ongoing association with TUMI, access to web site, reuse of modules, discounts and administrative connection (see Appendix 20). 5 A $400 reactivation fee applies to all satellites who allow their license to expire (which includes the annual $250 license fee).
Office Expenses:
Computer and Printer
$ 1,100 $ 300 $ 600 $ 60 $ 150 $ 100 $ 100 $ 65 $ 200 $2,675
Software: Word Processing, Database
Telephone Installation Fee
File Cabinet - 4 drawer
Office Supplies
Office Expense Total:
Grand Total Fees & Expenses: 3
Annual Renewal Fee: 4 $250 5 * We are committed to making our leadership development education as affordable as possible for you and your students. As we are able to reduce the price of producing our materials, we will pass those savings on to you.
P a g e
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