Multiplying Laborers for the Urban Harvest
A p p e n d i x
8 W h y a M i s s i o n S t a t e m e n t I s N e c e s s a r y
4. It gives you a ground upon which to set practical goals for your future, and to create strategies designed to help you accomplish those goals. All that you say and do should be informed by your mission statement, which should serve as the basis of your praying, planning, and work. 5. It prevents you from associating busy activity with genuine success. A mission statement that is taken seriously will protect you from the common tendency to equate a flurry of activity with authentic progress. Allow your mission statement to shape your organizational culture, and give you a practical way to measure your success. 6. It enables you to explore potential partnerships with sister organizations and institutions who sharewith you a common core of values, commitments, and desires. Your mission statement, carefully worded and seriously taken, will enable you to communicate with potential friends and partners the heart of your endeavor, and make it easier for them to understand your passion and heartbeat.
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