Multiplying Laborers for the Urban Harvest

M u l t i p l y i n g L a b o r e r s f o r t h e U r b a n H a r v e s t

World Impact, Inc.: Our Parent Organization

World Impact’s Mission Statement The Urban Ministry Institute is a ministry of World Impact. Celebrating more than 40 years of urban ministry experience, World Impact is a Christian missions organization committed to facilitating church-planting movements by evangelizing, equipping, and empowering the unchurched urban poor. Historically, we have ministered the love of God in the inner cities of America. Our purpose is to honor and glorify God and delight in Him in the inner cities by knowing God and making Him known. World Impact ministers cross-culturally to people unreached by the gospel of Jesus Christ through evangelism, follow-up, discipleship and indigenous church planting. World Impact empowers urban disciples by planting churches in the city, and training leadership for the advancement of the Kingdom of God. We believe that no other organization in the history of our nation has been more empowering and enriching to the city than the church of Jesus Christ. We are dedicated, therefore, to planting as many churches as possible among the lost in America's cities. Our missionaries seek to cross class and cultural barriers, reach the lost with the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and form culturally conducive churches who will go on to minister effectively among the urban poor.

• We are Incarnational : All our missionaries live in the communities where they minister.

• We are Evangelical : We present Christ to the unchurched through Bible clubs, Bible studies and worship services.

• We are Discipleship-oriented : We nurture people to maturity in Christ and train them to teach others.

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