Multiplying Laborers for the Urban Harvest

A p p e n d i x

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T h e V i s i o n o f T h e U r b a n M i n i s t r y I n s t i t u t e

and stewardship. Our goal is that every healthy church is allied to others of likeminded vision in order to collaborate in strategic projects of fellowship, giving, service, and mission. To Spawn Aggressive New Movements across the Globe Finally, TUMI will encourage C1 evangelical leaders and their churches to join together in explicit unity for the purpose of fulfilling the Great Commission among the urban poor of the world. We will challenge all whom we encounter, both churches and movements, to contribute, cooperate, and coordinate their gifts and resources to provide pioneer witness to Christ and his kingdom to every urban poor community on earth. Our intent is to begin with our own Jerusalems and Judeas here in urban America, and then to advance, as the Spirit leads. Ultimately, we hope to assist these same church planting movements among America’s urban poor to rapidly multiply similar movements among the poor in the world’s mega-cities, especially those recognized as Gateway cities within the 10/40 Window.

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