No Reserves No Retreat No Regrets
No Reserves, No Retreat, No Regrets: Introduction
The theme for our 2016 SIAFU Men’s Conference is No Reserves, No Retreat, No Regrets . Jesus of Nazareth, the living and risen Lord of all, is calling all people to a life of sacrifice and discipleship. He offers his kingdom blessings to all, even to those whom the enemy has enslaved to sin and bondage that no mere mortal could ever overcome. The Son of God was sent from heaven into this enemy-occupied territory in order to defeat Satan and his foes, to release the captives and set the prisoners free – to empower us to live free from the shackles and miseries of the devil’s cruelty. Now, as the victorious Champion of God who defeated the powers through his sinless life and saving death, Jesus calls us to join his “great campaign of sabotage,” a campaign to take back our cities for God. We will follow the storyline of Gladiator , a gripping movie tale of a general who became a slave, a slave who became a gladiator, and a gladiator that defied an emperor. As modern-day soldiers of Jesus Christ, we are called to a life of freedom, to a warfare that is constant, and to a struggle that will end in victory for those who endure. Christ’s call is a call to a discipleship that holds no reserves (giving full surrender to the Lord), that knows no retreat (holds its ground in the worst of battles), and owns no regrets (fights bravely till the end, no matter what). Come, and join the ranks of Christ’s men of honor, the brave and faithful who know what it takes to advance the Kingdom of God in our world today.
“What we do in life echoes in eternity.”
~ Maximus
As soldiers of Jesus, we trust in him alone. We hold nothing in reserve, never shrink back from any fight, and have no regrets for serving him as our Commander and Lord.
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