Our Sacred Roots: The Priesthood of All Believers


T he S eason after E piphany

Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany February 20 - 26, 2022


Epiphany affirms Jesus’s presence in the world as hope for all peoples. In him alone, God provides the light of his salvation, making known God’s grace to all peoples, even to the farthest corners of the earth.

THIS WEEK’S THEME Love Your Enemies, Luke 6.27-38

After giving the Beatitudes to the multitude on the plain, Jesus articulates seven aspects of his demand for love for others without qualifications. The demonstration of this supernaturally provided love provides proof of a disciple’s connection to the Father, whose love is to be distinguished from the preferential, selfish love that we normally give to those in our circles. He commanded them to love their enemies, do good to those who hate them, to bless those who curse them, to pray for those who mistreat them, to never retaliate (v. 29a), to give to others freely (vv. 29b-30), and to treat others the way they would want to be treated (v. 31). This kind of unconditional love and mercy is of the same kind demonstrated by the Father to us and all humankind. Jesus then spoke of the law of sowing and reaping (cf. Gal. 6.7-8), which is outlined in his testimony that we should not judge lest we be judged, that we do not condemn to avoid condemnation, that we forgive in order to be forgiven, and that we give to others in order that the Father will generously give back to us. He ends his teaching by saying, “the measure you use will be measured back to you” (v. 38b). The disciple of Jesus is here exhorted to give and love even as the Father gives and loves, and through those actions, be ready to receive the same in kind as s/he offers and provides to others.

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