Our Sacred Roots: The Priesthood of All Believers


T he S eason of L ent

Departing to Serve

Benediction Dear Lord Jesus, our sincere heart’s desire during this Lenten season is to be so open to you that whatever you have for us will be embraced and accepted. Forgive us for the many times we failed to listen to your pleas for change, when we refused to act on your Word to our hearts. We acknowledge our need for you today. Cleanse us, prepare us, and change us, all for your glory. In your name we pray, amen. Affirmation for the Day Sunday: Jerusalem refused to hear God’s word, and ultimately rejected the very presence of God’s own Son. Monday: Jesus of Nazareth was never deterred by opposition. Tuesday: For generations the Lord sent prophets to gather his people under his wings. Wednesday: Jerusalem, the seat of God’s presence, became the place that killed the prophets. Thursday: God reaches the point where he says, “Your house is forsaken.” Friday: The Lenten season opens us to embrace and accept whatever God has for us. Saturday: We await the day of Christ’s return, when we will all say, “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.”

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