Our Sacred Roots: The Priesthood of All Believers


T he O bservance of H oly W eek

Tuesday of Holy Week April 12, 2022


Holy Week recalls the events of our Lord’s suffering and death. We recall his triumphant entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, his giving of the commandments on Maundy Thursday, his crucifixion and burial on Good Friday, and the solemn vigil of Saturday night before Easter Sunday.

TODAY’S THEME But If It Dies, John 12.20-36

Jesus then affirmed that if he would be lifted up (on the Cross), he would draw all peoples to himself. The crowd was puzzled by the statement, supposing that the Messiah would be present forever. Jesus declared, however, that their time for salvation was constrained, and that their opportunity for life was short. While he was in the world, he was the Light for the world; he appealed to them to receive him while they could, that they might become children of light.

Daily Devotional Guide Preparing Our Hearts

Invocation: Our Prayer of Acclamation Lord Jesus, truly you are the light of the world. Instruct us in your truth that we may walk in light, not in darkness, that we might embrace our own death to ourselves that we might live to you, and bear fruit that honors you. This we ask in your name, amen.

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