Our Sacred Roots: The Priesthood of All Believers


T he C elebration of C hristmas

Departing to Serve

Benediction O Christ, the Sun of Righteousness, Who didst manifest Thyself in our flesh at this season, shine graciously into our hearts, that, walking as children of light, we may glorify Thee before men, and being always ready to obey Thy call, may, in our place and measure hold up the light of life to them that sit in darkness and the shadow of death. Hear us. O Lord, for Thy great mercies’ sake, who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost, now and for ever. Amen. ~ Rev. H. Stobart, Nineteenth Century, in Selina Fitzherbert Fox. A Chain of Prayer Across the Ages: Forty Centuries of Prayer from 2000 B.C.-A.D. 1916 . NewYork, NY: E.P. Dutton, 1943. p. 215. Affirmation for the Day Holy Name of Jesus/New Year’s Day: The Father has given Jesus a name higher than all other names, in this world and the next. Pray without Ceasing – Flash Prayer for the Day Receive our submission to the name of Jesus, for we bow our knees to his name and confess with our tongues that Jesus Christ is Lord, to your glory, O glorious Father and God.

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