Table of Contents | 5 |
Introduction | 11 |
Advancing the Kingdom in the City | 13 |
Analytical vs. Christocentric Approach to Old Testament Study | 15 |
The Apostles’ Creed | 16 |
Apostolic Band: Cultivating Outreach for Dynamic Harvest | 17 |
Apostolicity: The Unique Place of the Apostles in Christian Faith and Practice | 18 |
Appearances of the Resurrected Messiah | 19 |
Areas of Disagreement among Christians Concerning Spiritual Gifts | 20 |
Arrangement of the Twelve Tribes around the Tabernacle | 26 |
Authentic Freedom in Jesus Christ | 27 |
Bible Study Tools Worksheet | 28 |
Biblical Justification for the Resurrection of Messiah Jesus | 30 |
A Bibliography for Biblical Hermeneutics | 31 |
Capturing God’s Vision for His People | 35 |
The Center and Circumference: Christianity Is Jesus Christ | 36 |
Chart of Biblical Studies | 47 |
Checklist of Narrative Elements | 49 |
Christ’s View of the Bible | 52 |
Christus Victor: An Integrated Vision for the Christian Life | 55 |
Chronological Table of the New Testament | 56 |
The Church Leadership Paradigm: The Case for Biblical Leadership | 57 |
The Church Plant Team: Forming an Apostolic Band | 58 |
Church Planting Models | 59 |
The Church Year (Western Church) | 61 |
Circle of Jewish Calendar | 63 |
The Communal Context of Authentic Christian Leadership | 64 |
Communicating Messiah: The Relationship of the Gospels | 65 |
A Comparison of Translation Philosophies | 66 |
The Compass of Narrative Elements | 67 |
The Complexity of Difference: Race, Culture, Class | 68 |
Contextualization Among Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists | 69 |
Creating Coherent Urban Church Planting Movements | 75 |
Culture, Not Color: Interaction of Class, Culture, and Race | 76 |
Dealing With Old Ways | 77 |
Defining the Leaders and Members of a Church Plant Team | 78 |
Degrees of Authority Given to Fruit of Christocentric Use of the Old Testament | 79 |
Delegation and Authority in Christian Leadership | 80 |
Denominational Statements on “Sanctification” | 81 |
Developing Ears that Hear | 86 |
Different Traditions of African-American Response | 87 |
Discerning the Call: The Profile of a Cross-Cultural Urban Church Planter | 90 |
Discipleship Diagram | 91 |
Discipling the Faithful: Establishing Leaders for the Urban Church | 92 |
Documenting Your Work | 93 |
Dynamics of Credible Spiritual Vision | 97 |
Editorial | 98 |
Empowering People for Freedom, Wholeness, and Justice | 102 |
Equipping the Church Plant Team Member | 132 |
Ethics of the New Testament: Living in the Upside-Down Kingdom of God | 133 |
An Example of the Practice of Textual Criticism | 134 |
Examples of Denominational Statements on “Baptism in the Holy Spirit” Which Illustrate the Differing Views | 135 |
Faithfully Re-Presenting Jesus of Nazareth | 139 |
The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost Share the Same Divine Attributes and Works | 140 |
Figures of Speech | 142 |
Fit to Represent: Multiplying Disciples of the Kingdom of God | 149 |
Five Views of the Relationship between Christ and Culture | 150 |
Following the Life of Christ throughout Each Year | 151 |
Four Contexts of Urban Christian Leadership Development | 152 |
From Before to Beyond Time | 153 |
From Deep Ignorance to Credible Witness | 155 |
General Facts Concerning the New Testament | 156 |
Getting a Firm Grasp of Scripture | 158 |
Giving Glory to God | 159 |
God’s Sovereignty and Universal Revelation | 168 |
God’s Three-In-Oneness: The Trinity | 174 |
Going Forward by Looking Back | 182 |
A Guide to Determining Your Worship Profile | 188 |
A Harmony of the Ministry of Jesus | 190 |
Hindrances to Christlike Servanthood | 191 |
How to Interpret a Narrative (Story) | 192 |
How to PLANT a Church | 196 |
How to Start Reading the Bible | 203 |
The Hump | 205 |
I Find My Lord in the Book | 206 |
In Christ | 207 |
Investment, Empowerment, and Assessment | 208 |
Jesus and the Poor | 209 |
Jesus Christ, the Subject and Theme of the Bible | 215 |
Jesus of Nazareth: The Presence of the Future | 216 |
The Key Passages on Spiritual Gifts in theNew Testament | 217 |
Keys to Bible Interpretation | 220 |
Kingdom of God Timeline | 229 |
Kingdom Texts in the New Testament | 230 |
Kingdom Texts in the Old Testament | 242 |
Learning to Be a Theo-smith | 251 |
Let God Arise! | 252 |
Let God Arise!: The Seven “A’s” of Seeking the Lord and Entreating His Favor | 270 |
The Life of Christ according to Seasons and Years | 271 |
Living in the Already and the Not Yet Kingdom | 273 |
Living the Disciplines | 274 |
Lording Over vs. Serving Among | 275 |
The Lord’s Supper: Four Views | 276 |
Messiah Jesus: Fulfillment of the Old Testament Types | 277 |
Messiah Yeshua in Every Book of the Bible | 281 |
Messianic Prophecies Cited in the New Testament | 283 |
The Method of the Master | 289 |
The Ministry of Praise and Worship | 290 |
The Miracles of Jesus | 302 |
Missions in the 21st Century | 303 |
Models of the Kingdom | 305 |
The Names of Almighty God | 307 |
New Testament Readings | 311 |
The Nicene Creed | 312 |
Nicene Creed with Biblical Support | 313 |
Nurturing Authentic Christian Leadership | 314 |
The Obedient Christian in Action | 315 |
The Oikos Factor | 316 |
Old Testament Names, Titles, and Epithets for the Messiah | 317 |
Old Testament Witness to Christ and His Kingdom | 319 |
Once Upon a Time | 320 |
Our Declaration of Dependence: Freedom in Christ | 322 |
Overview of Church Plant Planning Phases | 324 |
Overview Plant to Birth Models | 325 |
The Parables of Jesus | 326 |
Paul’s Partnership Theology | 327 |
Paul’s Team Members | 328 |
A People Reborn | 330 |
Perception and Truth | 334 |
Picking Up on Different Wavelengths | 335 |
The Picture and the Drama | 339 |
Plot Line of the Church Year | 340 |
Portrayals of Jesus in the New Testament Books | 341 |
Preaching and Teaching Jesus of Nazareth as Messiah and Lord Is the Heart of All Biblical Ministry | 342 |
Principles Behind Prophecy | 343 |
The Profile of a 21st-Century Disciple | 344 |
Promise vs. Prediction | 346 |
The Prophetic Vision as Source ofBiblical Faith Commitment | 347 |
Pursuing Faith, Not Religion | 348 |
Readings on Christ | 352 |
Readings on Messianic Prophecy | 357 |
Readings on Pastoral Care | 359 |
Readings on Servanthood | 361 |
Readings on the Church | 362 |
Readings on the New Testament’s Historical Credibility | 365 |
Receptivity Scale | 367 |
Relationship of Cost and Effectiveness in Disciple-Making Endeavors | 368 |
Representin’: Jesus as God’s Chosen Representative | 369 |
Re-presenting Messiah | 370 |
The Role of the Holy Spirit in Spiritual Guidance | 371 |
The Role of Women in Ministry | 378 |
Roles of Representational Leadership | 382 |
Salvation as Joining the People of God | 383 |
A Schematic for a Theology of the Kingdom and the Church | 388 |
Selecting a Credible Criteria for Independence | 389 |
The Self-Consciousness of Jesus Christ | 392 |
The Shadow and the Substance | 393 |
Six Kinds of New Testament Ministry for Community | 394 |
A Sociology of Urban Leadership Development | 395 |
The Sojourner’s Quest | 396 |
Some of the Ways in Which Christians Disagree about Sanctification | 397 |
Spiritual Gifts Specifically Mentioned in the New Testament | 403 |
Spiritual Growth Diagrams | 405 |
Spiritual Service Checklist | 407 |
St. Basil, the Nicene Creed, and the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit | 408 |
Steps to Equipping Others | 410 |
The Story God Is Telling | 412 |
The Story of God: Our Sacred Roots | 413 |
Story: The Crux of Revelation | 414 |
Story, Theology, and Church | 415 |
Substitute Centers to a Christ-Centered Vision | 420 |
Substitution | 421 |
Suffering: The Cost of Discipleship and Servant-Leadership | 422 |
Summary of Messianic Interpretations in the Old Testament | 423 |
Summary Outline of the Scriptures | 428 |
Symbols of Christian Leadership | 432 |
The Tabernacle of Moses | 436 |
Targeting Unreached Groups in Churched Neighborhoods | 437 |
That We May Be One | 438 |
A Theological Overview of the Equipping Gifts Described in Ephesians 4.11 | 448 |
Theological Visions and Approaches | 464 |
The Theology of Christus Victor | 469 |
A Theology of the Church | 470 |
A Theology of the Church in Kingdom Perspective | 489 |
Theories of Inspiration | 490 |
“There Is a River” | 491 |
33 Blessings in Christ | 492 |
Three Contexts of Urban Christian Leadership Development | 496 |
Three Levels of Ministry Investment | 497 |
The Three-Step Model | 498 |
Thy Kingdom Come!: Readings on the Kingdom of God | 499 |
Toward a Hermeneutic of Critical Engagement | 508 |
Traditions | 509 |
Translating the Story of God | 517 |
Translation Methodology | 518 |
Typology Readings | 519 |
Understanding Leadership as Representation | 525 |
Understanding the Bible in Parts and Whole | 526 |
Union with Christ: The Christocentric Paradigm | 528 |
Use of Reference Tools for Interpreting the Bible | 531 |
Watch What You Image Forth | 533 |
The Way of Wisdom | 534 |
We Believe: Confession of the Nicene Creed (Common Meter*) | 535 |
We Believe: Confession of the Nicene Creed ( meter*) | 536 |
Wei Ji | 537 |
When “Christian” Does Not Translate | 538 |
World Impact’s Vision: Toward a Biblical Strategy to Impact the Inner City | 540 |
“You Can Pay Me Now, Or You Can Pay Me Later” | 541 |
“You Got To Serve Somebody!” | 542 |
Your Kingdom Come: “The Story of God’s Glory” | 543 |
Alphabetical Appendix List Cross-Referenced to Capstone Modules | 557 |
Capstone Appendices as They Appear in Each Module | 563 |
Topical Index | 586 |