Picturing Theology

Table of Contents5
Advancing the Kingdom in the City13
Analytical vs. Christocentric Approach to Old Testament Study15
The Apostles’ Creed16
Apostolic Band: Cultivating Outreach for Dynamic Harvest17
Apostolicity: The Unique Place of the Apostles in Christian Faith and Practice18
Appearances of the Resurrected Messiah19
Areas of Disagreement among Christians Concerning Spiritual Gifts20
Arrangement of the Twelve Tribes around the Tabernacle26
Authentic Freedom in Jesus Christ27
Bible Study Tools Worksheet28
Biblical Justification for the Resurrection of Messiah Jesus30
A Bibliography for Biblical Hermeneutics31
Capturing God’s Vision for His People35
The Center and Circumference: Christianity Is Jesus Christ36
Chart of Biblical Studies47
Checklist of Narrative Elements49
Christ’s View of the Bible52
Christus Victor: An Integrated Vision for the Christian Life55
Chronological Table of the New Testament56
The Church Leadership Paradigm: The Case for Biblical Leadership57
The Church Plant Team: Forming an Apostolic Band58
Church Planting Models59
The Church Year (Western Church)61
Circle of Jewish Calendar63
The Communal Context of Authentic Christian Leadership64
Communicating Messiah: The Relationship of the Gospels65
A Comparison of Translation Philosophies66
The Compass of Narrative Elements67
The Complexity of Difference: Race, Culture, Class68
Contextualization Among Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists69
Creating Coherent Urban Church Planting Movements75
Culture, Not Color: Interaction of Class, Culture, and Race76
Dealing With Old Ways77
Defining the Leaders and Members of a Church Plant Team78
Degrees of Authority Given to Fruit of Christocentric Use of the Old Testament79
Delegation and Authority in Christian Leadership80
Denominational Statements on “Sanctification”81
Developing Ears that Hear86
Different Traditions of African-American Response87
Discerning the Call: The Profile of a Cross-Cultural Urban Church Planter90
Discipleship Diagram91
Discipling the Faithful: Establishing Leaders for the Urban Church92
Documenting Your Work93
Dynamics of Credible Spiritual Vision97
Empowering People for Freedom, Wholeness, and Justice102
Equipping the Church Plant Team Member132
Ethics of the New Testament: Living in the Upside-Down Kingdom of God133
An Example of the Practice of Textual Criticism134
Examples of Denominational Statements on “Baptism in the Holy Spirit” Which Illustrate the Differing Views135
Faithfully Re-Presenting Jesus of Nazareth139
The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost Share the Same Divine Attributes and Works140
Figures of Speech142
Fit to Represent: Multiplying Disciples of the Kingdom of God149
Five Views of the Relationship between Christ and Culture150
Following the Life of Christ throughout Each Year151
Four Contexts of Urban Christian Leadership Development152
From Before to Beyond Time153
From Deep Ignorance to Credible Witness155
General Facts Concerning the New Testament156
Getting a Firm Grasp of Scripture158
Giving Glory to God159
God’s Sovereignty and Universal Revelation168
God’s Three-In-Oneness: The Trinity174
Going Forward by Looking Back182
A Guide to Determining Your Worship Profile188
A Harmony of the Ministry of Jesus190
Hindrances to Christlike Servanthood191
How to Interpret a Narrative (Story)192
How to PLANT a Church196
How to Start Reading the Bible203
The Hump205
I Find My Lord in the Book206
In Christ207
Investment, Empowerment, and Assessment208
Jesus and the Poor209
Jesus Christ, the Subject and Theme of the Bible215
Jesus of Nazareth: The Presence of the Future216
The Key Passages on Spiritual Gifts in theNew Testament217
Keys to Bible Interpretation220
Kingdom of God Timeline229
Kingdom Texts in the New Testament230
Kingdom Texts in the Old Testament242
Learning to Be a Theo-smith251
Let God Arise!252
Let God Arise!: The Seven “A’s” of Seeking the Lord and Entreating His Favor270
The Life of Christ according to Seasons and Years271
Living in the Already and the Not Yet Kingdom273
Living the Disciplines274
Lording Over vs. Serving Among275
The Lord’s Supper: Four Views276
Messiah Jesus: Fulfillment of the Old Testament Types277
Messiah Yeshua in Every Book of the Bible281
Messianic Prophecies Cited in the New Testament283
The Method of the Master289
The Ministry of Praise and Worship290
The Miracles of Jesus302
Missions in the 21st Century303
Models of the Kingdom305
The Names of Almighty God307
New Testament Readings311
The Nicene Creed312
Nicene Creed with Biblical Support313
Nurturing Authentic Christian Leadership314
The Obedient Christian in Action315
The Oikos Factor316
Old Testament Names, Titles, and Epithets for the Messiah317
Old Testament Witness to Christ and His Kingdom319
Once Upon a Time320
Our Declaration of Dependence: Freedom in Christ322
Overview of Church Plant Planning Phases324
Overview Plant to Birth Models325
The Parables of Jesus326
Paul’s Partnership Theology327
Paul’s Team Members328
A People Reborn330
Perception and Truth334
Picking Up on Different Wavelengths335
The Picture and the Drama339
Plot Line of the Church Year340
Portrayals of Jesus in the New Testament Books341
Preaching and Teaching Jesus of Nazareth as Messiah and Lord Is the Heart of All Biblical Ministry342
Principles Behind Prophecy343
The Profile of a 21st-Century Disciple344
Promise vs. Prediction346
The Prophetic Vision as Source ofBiblical Faith Commitment347
Pursuing Faith, Not Religion348
Readings on Christ352
Readings on Messianic Prophecy357
Readings on Pastoral Care359
Readings on Servanthood361
Readings on the Church362
Readings on the New Testament’s Historical Credibility365
Receptivity Scale367
Relationship of Cost and Effectiveness in Disciple-Making Endeavors368
Representin’: Jesus as God’s Chosen Representative369
Re-presenting Messiah370
The Role of the Holy Spirit in Spiritual Guidance371
The Role of Women in Ministry378
Roles of Representational Leadership382
Salvation as Joining the People of God383
A Schematic for a Theology of the Kingdom and the Church388
Selecting a Credible Criteria for Independence389
The Self-Consciousness of Jesus Christ392
The Shadow and the Substance393
Six Kinds of New Testament Ministry for Community394
A Sociology of Urban Leadership Development395
The Sojourner’s Quest396
Some of the Ways in Which Christians Disagree about Sanctification397
Spiritual Gifts Specifically Mentioned in the New Testament403
Spiritual Growth Diagrams405
Spiritual Service Checklist407
St. Basil, the Nicene Creed, and the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit408
Steps to Equipping Others410
The Story God Is Telling412
The Story of God: Our Sacred Roots413
Story: The Crux of Revelation414
Story, Theology, and Church415
Substitute Centers to a Christ-Centered Vision420
Suffering: The Cost of Discipleship and Servant-Leadership422
Summary of Messianic Interpretations in the Old Testament423
Summary Outline of the Scriptures428
Symbols of Christian Leadership432
The Tabernacle of Moses436
Targeting Unreached Groups in Churched Neighborhoods437
That We May Be One438
A Theological Overview of the Equipping Gifts Described in Ephesians 4.11448
Theological Visions and Approaches464
The Theology of Christus Victor469
A Theology of the Church470
A Theology of the Church in Kingdom Perspective489
Theories of Inspiration490
“There Is a River”491
33 Blessings in Christ492
Three Contexts of Urban Christian Leadership Development496
Three Levels of Ministry Investment497
The Three-Step Model498
Thy Kingdom Come!: Readings on the Kingdom of God499
Toward a Hermeneutic of Critical Engagement508
Translating the Story of God517
Translation Methodology518
Typology Readings519
Understanding Leadership as Representation525
Understanding the Bible in Parts and Whole526
Union with Christ: The Christocentric Paradigm528
Use of Reference Tools for Interpreting the Bible531
Watch What You Image Forth533
The Way of Wisdom534
We Believe: Confession of the Nicene Creed (Common Meter*)535
We Believe: Confession of the Nicene Creed ( meter*)536
Wei Ji537
When “Christian” Does Not Translate538
World Impact’s Vision: Toward a Biblical Strategy to Impact the Inner City540
“You Can Pay Me Now, Or You Can Pay Me Later”541
“You Got To Serve Somebody!”542
Your Kingdom Come: “The Story of God’s Glory”543
Alphabetical Appendix List Cross-Referenced to Capstone Modules557
Capstone Appendices as They Appear in Each Module563
Topical Index586

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