Picturing Theology
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P i c t u r i n g T h e o l o g y
Areas of Disagreement among Christians Concerning Spiritual Gifts (continued)
1. Note that logically, at least, it is not necessary for these two views to be mutually exclusive. It is at least possible that both types of spiritual gifts exist, some that are latent and some that are new.
2. Perhaps a more useful way to think about this would be to remember that gifts are the “manifestation” of the Spirit for the common good.
3. The Spirit being manifested is the emphasis not the means by which it happens. It is always a “gracious gift” when this happens. It always happens solely because of the Spirit’s decision and because of the Spirit’s power. Thus, whether the Spirit chooses to empower a natural capacity or create an entirely new one, each is a “charisma” — a gift of grace. A God given ability to teach exercised by a non-believer is a gracious gift (given by the Spirit in creation) but it is not a “manifestation of the Spirit” until that person submits themselves to the Holy Spirit and uses that gift under his direction and for his purposes.
II. Are All the Gifts Listed in the New Testament Available Today?
A. Some traditions answer “No.”
1. Some traditions argue for the ceasing of certain gifts: usually apostle- ship, prophecy, tongues and interpretation (sometimes miracles).
2. There are at least two theological reasons why this is believed.
a. First, there is a concern for safeguarding God’s revelation in Scripture. If apostles, prophets, and tongues continue to function as a means of ongoing revelation, the integrity of Scripture is potentially
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