Picturing Theology

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P i c t u r i n g T h e o l o g y

Areas of Disagreement among Christians Concerning Spiritual Gifts (continued)

B. Some traditions answer “Yes.” “All may agree that there appears no new revelation to be expected concerning God in Christ. But there appears to be no good reason why the living God, who both speaks and acts (in contrast to dead idols), cannot use the gift of prophecy to give particular local guidance to a church, nation or individual, or to warn or encourage by way of prediction as well as by reminders, in full accord with the written word of Scripture, by which all such utterances must be tested. Certainly the NT does not see it as the job of the prophet to be a doctrinal innovator, but to deliver the word the Spirit gives him in line with the truth once for all delivered to the saints (Jude 3), to challenge and encourage our faith” (J. P. Baker, “Prophecy,” New Bible Dictionary , 2nd Edition, J. D. Douglas and others, eds.).

1. The ministry of Jesus and the example of the Apostles and the New Testament Church is our inspired model for ministry and all of them used miraculous gifts in ministry.

2. The only time that Scripture speaks to the question of when gifts will cease it refers to the return of Christ (1 Cor. 13.8-12).

3. The Holy Spirit is free and sovereign. He can give (or withhold) any gift at any time for whatever purpose he chooses (1 Cor. 12.11 – gives as he determines).

4. The Craig S. Keener reading ( Gift and Giver —pp. 89-112) makes the basic arguments for the view that all are available.

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