Picturing Theology

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P i c t u r i n g T h e o l o g y

Biblical Justification for the Resurrection of Messiah Jesus Dr. Don L. Davis

Reasons for His Resurrection

Scriptural Text

1 To fulfill the prophecy of Holy Scripture

Ps. 16.9-10; 22.22; 118.22-24


To demonstrate his true identity

Acts 2.24; Rom. 1.1-4

To realize the promise of the Davidic covenant

2 Sam. 7.12-16; Ps. 89.20-37; Isa. 9.6-7; Luke 1.31-33; Acts 2.25-31


To become the source of eternal life for all who believe in him

John 10.10-11; 11.25-26; Eph. 2.6; Col. 3.1-4; 1 John 5.11-12


To become the source of resurrection power to others

Matt. 28.18; Eph. 1.19-21; Phil. 4.13


6 To be exalted as head over the Church

Eph. 1.20-23

To demonstrate that God’s imputation of our righteousness has been made complete


Rom. 4.25

To reign until all enemies have been placed under his feet

1 Cor. 15.20-28


To become the first fruits of the future resurrection

1 Cor. 15.20-23


To assert the authority given to him by God to take his life back again

John 10.18


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