Picturing Theology

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P i c t u r i n g T h e o l o g y

How to Interpret a Narrative (continued)

2. Complications — Conflicts, problems, issues, threats

3. Climax — Peak and turning point of the action

4. Denouement — How the story resolves itself

5. End — Finis!

V. Note the THEME of the Story

A. What key principles and truths can be drawn out of this story?

B. What is the “commentary on living” portrayed in this story?

1. What is the story’s view of “reality” (what is the world like, and what is our role in it?)

2. What is the story’s view of “morality (i.e., what constitutes good and bad in the story?)

3. What is the story’s view of “value and meaning” (i.e., what is of ultimate concern and importance in the story?)

C. How do the truths of the story intersect with the challenges, opportunities, threats, and issues of our lives?

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