Picturing Theology

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P i c t u r i n g T h e o l o g y

How to Start Reading the Bible Rev. Don Allsman and Rev. Dr. Don L. Davis

1. Read individual passage, texts, and even books in light of the context of the whole Story of the Bible. How does it fit in God’s redemptive plan to win all that was lost at the Fall?

2. Observe the situation. Put yourself in the setting, noticing the surroundings, the sights, the smells. Imagine what it must have been like.

3. Pay attention to commands, warnings, instructions, and inspiration that shape how you live and think so you can seek his Kingdom first.

Ways to Read through the Bible

Bible Reading Plan #1: From Genesis to Revelation 1. Start by reading through the book of John. This will give you an overview of Jesus’ life and help you get some background as you read the rest of the Bible.

2. Go back to Genesis 1 and read straight through the Bible.

3. Do not get stuck on details, but read through the whole Bible to enjoy its richness and variety. Write down questions you have about words you don’t understand or things that are confusing so you can ask someone or look them up later. Bible Reading Plan #2: Chronological Reading Guide (www.tumistore.org) You also can read through the Bible each year, reading the various books in the order that Christian scholars believe it was written. Many believers read through the Scriptures together every year “chronologically”(through time), seeking to gain greater insight on the entire Story of God as it occurred in historical order of events .

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