Picturing Theology
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P i c t u r i n g T h e o l o g y
Keys to Bible Interpretation (continued)
I. Look for literary structures that might influence the way the text is understood. Key Tool: Exegetical Commentaries • Literary structures include figures of speech, metaphors, typologies, symbols, poetic structures, chiasmic structures, etc. J. Identify the historical events and the cultural issues which might effect the people or influence the ideas described in the passage. Key Tools: Bible Dictionaries and Bible Commentaries • Constantly ask, “What was happening in history and society that would affect the way the audience heard the message in this text?” K. Summarize what you believe the author was trying to say and why it was important for the original audience. • Your goal in this step is to write the key truths of the passage in such a way that the original author and the original listeners would agree with them if they heard them.
The focus of this step is identifying t he central message, commands, and principles in a portion of Scripture which teach God’s purposes for all people.
Step Two: Finding General Principles
A. List in sentence formwhat you believe are the general principles in the passage which apply to all people, at all times, in all cultures.
B. Check these statements against other parts of Scripture for clarity and accuracy. Key Tools: Concordance, Topical Bible Ask yourself: • Are the principles I listed supported by other passages in the Bible?
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