Picturing Theology

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P i c t u r i n g T h e o l o g y

Analytical vs. Christocentric Approach to Old Testament Study Rev. Dr. Don L. Davis

An Analytical Approach

A Christocentric Approach

Focuses on how the content of book points to and gives witness to Messiah Jesus

Focuses on individual verses, chapters, books, and sections in and of themselves

Breaks Old Testament into many pieces for analysis and exegesis

Looks at Old Testament as single whole which gives single witness to Jesus

Concentrates on studying each book as its own self-contained unit

Concentrates on studying each book as it provides contribution to Christ’s coming

Demands linguistic and socio-cultural expertise

Demands spiritual wisdom and discernment

Can only be legitimately done by experts

Can be done by all the saints of God

Uses Christ as key to the interpretation of the Old Testament overview

Difficult to give overview of Old Testament

Focuses on developing relationship to Christ

Focuses on knowledge of content

Designed to help teachers ground believers in the knowledge of Christ through the Old Testament

Hard to disciple others in knowledge of Old Testament and its contents

Can be remarkably boring and dry

Stirs the heart in longing and love for Jesus

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