Picturing Theology
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P i c t u r i n g T h e o l o g y
Checklist of Narrative Elements (continued)
IX. What Foils, Dramatic Irony, and Poetic Justice Are Used in the Story?
A. Foils: what characters are set against each other as foes in the story? B. Dramatic irony: When is the reader informed of situations and realities that the characters themselves are unaware of ?
X. What Items Are Repeated, Highlighted, and Foregrounded in the Story? A. Repetition: what phrases, items, themes, issues, or actions are repeated? B. Highlighting: what things in the characters and events are emphasized above other things? C. Foregrounding: what things are made to stand out “center stage” in the flow of the story?
XI. What Is the Point of View of the Author of the Story?
A. What comments does the author give us about the characters and events in the story? B. What feelings do you believe the story is intending to generate? C. How are the materials and details arranged to communicate the author’s viewpoint clearly?
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