Picturing Theology

5 6 8 /

P i c t u r i n g T h e o l o g y

38 The Complexity of Difference: Race, Culture, Class 39 Culture, Not Color: Interaction Class, Culture, Race

259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267

40 Authentic Freedom in Jesus Christ

41 Apostolicity

42 Apostolic Band

43 The Church Plant Team 44 Translating the Story of God

45 Three Levels of Ministry Investment

46 World Impact’s Vision: Toward Biblical Strategy

47 Editorial: Ralph Winter 2005

268-271 272-273 274-277 278-283 284-287 288-289

48 When “Christian” Does Not Translate

49 Pursuing Faith, Not Religion

50 Contextualization Among Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists

51 A People Reborn

52 Missions in the 21st Century 53 Documenting Your Work


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