Picturing Theology

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P i c t u r i n g T h e o l o g y

Module 14

Page Number

1 The Nicene Creed w/ Biblical Support -- One Page

151 152 153 154 155 156

2 We Believe: Nicene Creed 3 The Story of God: Our Sacred Roots The Theology of Christus Victor Christus Victor: An Integrated Vision 4 5

6 Old Testament Witness to Christ & His Kingdom 7 Summary Outline of the Scriptures - 2 Page

157-158 159-160

8 From Before to Beyond Time

9 There Is a River

161 162 163 164

10 A Schematic for Theology of the Kingdom 11 Living in the Already and Not Yet Kingdom 12 Jesus of Nazareth: Presence of the Future

13 Traditions

165-172 173-174 175-176 177-180 181-183 184-185 186-191 192-198 199-204 205-209 210-213

14 St. Basil, Nicene Creed, & Doctrine of Holy Spirit 15 The Father, Son, Holy Ghost Share Same Divine 16 Examps of Denom Statements on “Baptism in Holy Spirit” 17 The Key Passages on Spiritual Gifts in the NT 18 Spiritual Gifts Specifically Mentioned in NT 19 Areas of Disagreement Concerning Spiritual Gifts 20 The Role of the Holy Spirit in Spiritual Guidance 21 Some Ways Christians Disagree about Sanctification 22 Denominational Statements on Sanctification

23 Documenting Your Work

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