Picturing Theology
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P i c t u r i n g T h e o l o g y
Defining the Leaders and Members of a Church Plant Team Rev. Dr. Don L. Davis
CD - City Director TL - Team Leader MTL - Multiple Team Leader
Team Member
Team Leader
Multiple Team Leader
Member of cross-cultural church planting team
Leader of cross-cultural church plant team
Facilitator and coordinator of multiple teams
Relationship to World Impact
May be a World Impact staff member or experienced planter
May be a staff member or volunteer
May be a staff member or volunteer
To employ gifts to enhance the ministry of the team as it plants a viable church
To provide counsel, resources, and support to all teams in a given area TUMI course work, mentoring and regional training, and specialized input
To facilitate the effective operation of the team
Specialized training curriculum, personal mentoring and TUMI
Initial training and ongoing team input
Accountable to Whom?
City Director (support from MTL)
Regional VP and City Director
Team Leader
Associated with team to plant for specified period of time as core or support member
Regular review and substantive ministry assessment at end of CPT time Access to sites of CPTs, access to team leaders for training and support ministries To support the team during its charter period, and decide at the end if the plant warrants further time and effort
Time Commitments
Throughout the duration of the church plant
Team members and leaders, CPT “kit” (initial resource allotment)
Team members, ministry budget, access to MTL and CD
To pursue those steps necessary to evangelize, disciple, and plant - reports to the team leader
To lead the team in its operations as it seeks to plant a church - reports to the CD and MTL
By CD and TL for particular time and role
By CD for duration of the church plant
By Regional VP and CD as they determine necessary
Primary members, support members, and/or volunteers
Individual or co-leaders (interns)
Individual selected by Regional VP and CD
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