Planting Churches Among the City's Poor - Volume 2
Selecting a Credible Criteria for Independence Navigating Toward a Healthy Transition Rev. Dr. Don L. Davis
In order to establish a smooth transition from a missionary-led community to an indigenous, independent church community, we must identify and agree upon a clear criteria which would help us know when the transition is complete. In other words, everything depends on all of the key players’ ability (i.e., missionaries, elders, and church community) to be crystal clear regarding our assumptions about what the transition involves and what we are seeking to accomplish. If, for any reason, we are unclear as to our expectations and directions together, we can easily misunderstand one another, and prolong the process, or even make the transition period unnecessarily painful. The following categories are given as a guide, a criteria which may help you as leaders critically assess whether you have covered all necessary areas of transition. The list is suggestive, not exhaustive, and is not meant to be a final summary, but a tickler to help you think carefully through all of the issues necessary to make your period of transition an open and supportive one.
1. A Faithful Group of Converted, Gathered, Maturing Disciples of Jesus
a. Solid conversions to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior
b. Self-identity as a separate Christian assembly with its own passionate spirituality, inspiring worship, and presence in the community c. Possess a clear sense of membership, ownership, belonging; able to bring new members in easily through strong orientation and loving relationships
d. Clear sense of entering membership, disciplining members, restoring them
e. Incorporating people smoothly into the life of the body (i.e., small group life, friendships, large group fellowship, etc.)
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