Planting Churches Among the City's Poor - Volume 2
volume or in Planting Churches among the City’s Poor should be understand now as Coach . • Also, in past schools we used the term Team Leader for the person in charge of the church plant team and church plant effort. Now, we refer to the person fulfilling this role as the Church Planter . In terms of language, then, please remember that when you engage materials in the Anthology that cite MTL or Multiple Team Leader , they now ought to be understood as an equivalent terms to Coach, and, the designation Team Leader is equivalent now to the designation Church Planter . How to Use This Book Since the contents of Planting Churches among the City’s Poor is essentially a collected group of resources on church planting, it lends itself to creative and varied uses. You could simply follow the graphics according to the categories listed, and reflect on the particular graphics and outlines in the order in which they have been organized. You can select particular items and reflect and re-think the subjects based on your own questions and research. Or, you may choose to add to this collection – rearranging, remixing, and re-conceiving the various theologies, approaches, missiological models, and practical protocols we list here, and change and amend them for your context and ministry. This work accumulates a group of materials meant to be processed, rethought, and applied. Therefore, this work is a varied assortment, an assembly of our dialogues and practices that have informed the ways in which we have conducted ministry that resulted in leaders from the neighborhood who live to serve the neighborhood. Be free in your engagement and application of these materials. Go in any order. Realize, too, that the groupings under the categories are somewhat arbitrary. Frankly, all of the materials included relate in one way or the other to all of the categories given. Use them to help sharpen your own thinking, and provide you with suggestions and insights that can make your own church planting in underserved neighborhoods more biblical and in sync with God’s purposes for the church. In one sense, this collection is a sampler of our theological and ministry tools available for workers on our ministry websites ( and ). These works represent only a fraction of the tens of thousands of pages of curricula, graphics, and course material produced by World Impact missionaries and Institute scholars these
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