Planting Churches Among the City's Poor - Volume 2
Team Facilitation Providing Ongoing Input to the Team as Team Leader World Impact
As Team Leader, you will provide ongoing direction and investment in each of your team members, as well as overall coordination of the efforts of the team as it seeks to fulfill its Charter. Your task is to meet regularly with your ministry team for prayer and planning, evaluating your efforts against your goals and objectives as the Holy Spirit leads. As leader, your primary responsibility is enabling each member to find their role on the team, and fulfill that role, for the sake of the overall effort on the team. Rather than possessing all the gifts yourself, you are asked to coordinate the efforts of your team. Together, you will form a gifted group of people whom the Holy Spirit can use to communicate Christ to your neighbors! You should meet and communicate regularly with your team, to ensure good coordination of efforts, and quality relationships among the members. Place special emphasis on connecting with your MTL, who will give good input as you supervise your team’s work. Your first responsibility is to develop structures, processes, and activities which will ensure that your team members are spiritually healthy. Your team should have a keen sense of its calling under God, and be seeking God intently in regular worship, Bible study, fellowship, and prayer. Make sure that you are developing Body life together, relating to each other in love, forgiving each other and being unified together. In order to plant a church, a Team must be a church; it must function as a loving, gifted, and serving body of believers. • Facilitate the team’s overall vision together. ( Are we clear? ) Spend time with the team to make sure that it is clear in its objectives and goals. Work to help each team member under stand as well as articulate to others the Team’s vision. Rehearse constantly the values and commitments your Team has, and find time to formally rehearse with the Team its goals and purposes. As Team Leader, you must focus on these four areas: • Facilitate the team’s spiritual growth and community life . ( Are we called? )
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