Planting Churches Among the City's Poor - Volume 2
2. To reproduce and multiply disciples through the planting of churches
3. To equip our emerging leaders for these church plants through The Urban Ministry Institute
4. To unite theologically around the Bible as summarized by the Nicene Creed
F. Three levels of partnership : Members who follow; Affiliates who participate; Observers who watch
II. Review: Part 2. Heroes from the Past and Present: Lessons for Our Association
A. Clement of Rome
1. The importance of association in a regional (geographic or locale) area.*
a. Every church was part of a network of churches in a geographic area, and the churches were under the leadership of a bishop or a group of elders. b. There was a strong sense of family connection with the other Christians in a geographic area. (Jack Hayford modern day example.)
c. This is the concept of the locale church: “The presence and association of all Christ-honoring congregations in a particular geographic area, regardless of form, denomi nation, or structure (whether traditional, community, * “What is the regional church? I believe it will be comprised of all types of churches – community churches, mega-churches, and house churches in a particular geographical area. These churches, of many different denominations, will work together to represent the church (the body of Christ) in a region.” Larry Kreider, House Church Networks: A Church for a New Generation (Lititz, PA: House to House Publications, 2001) 35. cf. Larry Kreider, “Can House Church Networks be Part of the Regional Church,” in Nexus: The World House Church Movement Reader (Pasadena: William Carey, 2007) 481-485. See also, Rad Zdero, “Apostolic Strategies for Growing and Connecting the Early House Churches,” in Nexus: The World House Church Movement Reader (Pasadena: William Carey, 2007) 119, 127; and Roger Gehring, “Ecclesiological and Missional Significance of the Early House Churches,” in Nexus: The World House Church Movement Reader (Pasadena: William Carey, 2007) 138-142.
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