Planting Churches Among the City's Poor - Volume 2
An Abridged Church Planting Bibliography The Urban Ministry Institute
Allen, Roland. Missionary Methods: St. Paul’s or Ours? Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2001.
Arn, Win, and Charles Arn. The Master’s Plan for Making Disciples , 2nd ed. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 1998.
Banks, Robert. Paul’s Idea of Community , rev. ed. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers, 1994.
Becker, Paul. Dynamic Church Planting: A Complete Handbook . Vista, Calif.: Multiplication Ministries, 1992.
Bessenecker, Scott A. Overturning Tables: Freeing Missions from the Christian-Industrial Complex . Downers Grover, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2014.
Black, Vicki K. Welcome to the Church Year: An Introduction to the Seasons of the Episcopal Church . Harrisburg, PA: Morehouse Publishing, 2004.
Carter, Ryan, ed. Christ the Victor Church: The Guidebook: Ancient Faith for an Urban Movement . N.P.: CreateSpace, 2014.
Chaney, Charles L. Church Planting at the End of the Twentieth Century . Revised and expanded. Wheaton: Tyndale House Publishers, 1991.
Conn, Harvie M. Planting and Growing Urban Churches: From Dream to Reality . Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 1997.
Davis, Don L. Vision for Mission: Nurturing an Apostolic Heart . Wichita, KS: The Urban Ministry Institute (World Impact, Inc.), 1999.
———. Focus on Reproduction . Vol. 12, 16 vols. The Capstone Curriculum . Wichita, KS: The Urban Ministry Institute (World Impact, Inc.), 2005.
———. Marking Time. Forming Spirituality through the Christian Year . Wichita, KS: The Urban Ministry Institute (World Impact, Inc.), 2007.
———. Ministry in a Multi-Cultural and Unchurched Society . Wichita, KS: The Urban Ministry Institute (World Impact, Inc.), 2007.
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