Planting Churches Among the City's Poor - Volume 2
Overstreet, Don. Sent Out: The Calling, the Character, and the Challenge of the Apostle/Missionary . Bloomington, IN: Crossbooks, 2009.
Overstreet, Don, and Mark Hammond. God’s Call to the City . Bloomington, IN: Crossbooks, 2011.
Phillips, Keith. Out of Ashes . Los Angeles, CA: World Impact Press, 1996.
Ratliff, Joe S., and Michael J. Cox. Church Planting in the African American Community . Nashville: Broadman Press, 1993.
Romo, Oscar I. American Mosaic: Church Planting in Ethnic America . Nashville: Broadman Press, 1993.
Schaller, Lyle. 44 Questions for Church Planters . Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1991.
Schwarz, Christian A. Natural Church Development . St. Charles, IL: ChurchSmart Resources, 2000.
Searcy, Nelson, and Kerrick Thomas. Launch: Starting a New Church from Scratch . Ventura, Calif.: Regal Books, 2007.
Shenk, David W., and Ervin R. Stutzman. Creating Communities of the Kingdom: New Testament Models of Church Planting . Scottdale: Herald Press, 1988.
Smith, Efrem. Raising Up Young Heroes: Developing a Revolutionary Youth Ministry . Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 2004.
———. Jump into a Life of Further and Higher . Colorado Springs: David C. Cook, 2010.
———. The Post-Black and Post-White Church: Becoming the Beloved Community in a Multi-Ethnic World . San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 2012. Smith, Efrem and Phil Jackson. The Hip-Hop Church: Connecting with the Movement Shaping our Culture . Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 2005.
Snyder, Howard A. Kingdom, Church, and World . Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 1997.
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