Planting Churches Among the City's Poor - Volume 2
4. Its purpose: to take full advantage of each person’s individual uniqueness and strengths in such a way that the team is enhanced and is found to lack nothing essential for its overall effectiveness.
5. The opposite of Identification is haphazard placement .
6. The result of not identifying individual gifts is frustration among members .
D. The Golden Key: Take individual difference seriously; help members discover their niche.
V. Strategically plan and arrange team action and movement: The Principle of ORGANIZATION.
A. Key Scripture: 1 Pet. 4.9-11
B. The Definition of the Concept
1. “To determine the process by which the team will approach its tasks, manage its resources, and proceed toward its goal with as much efficiency and as little confusion as possible” 2. Team organization focuses on each member and team unit setting measurable and attainable goals in sync with the team’s overall goal, and then developing plans and strategies in order to mobilize the team members around its overall “game plan.”
C. The Principle Explained
1. Organization occurs best within teams that recruit effective leadership, which functions to empower and facilitate the effectiveness of each member individually, and the team as a whole.
2. Organization involves both procedural and structural elements.
a. Procedurally, it involves the process of setting goals, determining priorities, making strategic plans to carry out our goals, scheduling our lives and managing our resources together to attain them.
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