Raíces Sagradas
Payne, Robert. The Holy Fire: The Story of the Fathers of the Eastern Church .
Procopius. The Secret History .
Quasten, Johannes. Patrology . 4 vols.
Robeck, Cecil. Prophesy in Carthage .
Rousseau, Philip. The Early Christian Centuries .
Shelly, Bruce L. Church History in Plain Language . Updated 2nd ed. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1995.
Stark, Rodney. T he Rise of Christianity .
Twelftree, Graham. Jesus the Miracle Worker .
Walls, Andrew. Six Continent Christianity .
Wilken, Robert Louis. The Christians as the Romans Saw Them .
------. The Spirit of Early Christian Thought .
------. Remembering the Christian Past .
Wright, N. T. The New Testament and the People of God .
------. Jesus and the Victory of God .
------. The Resurrection of the Son of God .
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