Redemptive Poverty Work Mentor’s Guide

L E S S O N 4 M E N T O R N O T E S | R H Y T H M S O F L I F E A N D P O V E R T Y W O R K / 3 3

• The church is a vibrant institution that is supposed to be the group of people who have been called to redeem the world to do the things that they need to keep themselves connected to God.

Fixed Times of Prayer • Prayer allows us to stop seeing circumstances as bigger than God, but that God is bigger than the circumstances. • We should set focused time to pray to the Lord once or twice a day either in a group or by ourselves. • It can be seen as an interruption of your day, but it’s not really disrupting your day to remind yourself that you belong to God. Empowerment • We are not trying to increase our own personal influence and profile or the organization’s influence and profile on the backs of those we claim to serve. • Instead of seeking to increase our personal profile, we work to empower others. • Our ministry partners are the heroes. That’s why we feature them and not World Impact staff in World Impact videos. We want people to see our partners empowered to do the work of the Lord. Church Calendar • Instead of viewing time only chronologically, we sanctify time by connecting our story to the story of God through the Church Year Calendar. • This is a Christ-oriented way of understanding every day.

& 4 page 48 Outline Point B, 2

& 5 page 48 Outline Point B, 3


& 6 page 49 Outline Point B, 4

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