Redemptive Poverty Work Mentor’s Guide
4 2 / R E D E M P T I V E P O V E R T Y W O R K M E N T O R ’ S G U I D E
Meeting Information
Lesson and Assignments
Lesson 2, Toxic PovertyWork Students should complete the following before this meeting: 1. Complete Lesson 2 of Redemptive Poverty Work in the Student Workbook. 2. Review questions at the end of the Content section of Lesson 2. Be prepared to discuss your answers in our Lesson 2 Face-to-Face Meeting. 3. Complete the assignments in the Assignments Due section for Lesson 2 before our Lesson 2 Face-to-Face Meeting. Those assignments are as follows: a. Read the following in Redemptive Poverty Work : • Toxic Poverty Work (pages 23-30) b. Read the following in Uncommon Church : • Chapter 2: What Would Jesus Do? Poverty Is a Condition, Not an Identity • Chapter 7: There Goes the Neighborhood: Understanding the Powers That Be c. Complete your summary of the readings on the Reading Completion Sheet for each reading listed above. d. Memorize Luke 4.18-19 and grade yourself using the Scripture Memory Grading Form. After Face-to-Face Meeting: Take the Lesson 2 Quiz.
Session 2
Face-to-Face Meeting Date Time
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