Redemptive Poverty Work - Mentor's Guide

L E S S O N 4 M E N T O R N O T E S | R H Y T H M S O F L I F E A N D P O V E R T Y W O R K / 3 7

• Encourage him to get back to fellowship in a church. • One of the easiest things to do in ministry, especially if you’re in a pastoral or supervisory role, is to think that you don’t need a pastor.

Quizzes and answer keys for each lesson can be found online at World Impact U in the Redemptive Poverty Work Dashboard. (These are available to the Partner and Mentor.) • Quiz 1: Lesson 1: A Brief Theological Reflection • Quiz 2: Lesson 2: Toxic Poverty Work • Quiz 3: Lesson 3: Redemptive Poverty Work • Final Exam (includes questions from Lesson 4: Rhythms of Life and Poverty Work) • Answer Key After your students complete the Final Exam, please direct them to the Redemptive Poverty Work Course Survey . While we prefer this form be completed online, circumstances may prevent this from being possible. The form is included in the Appendix section of this book. Please scan the completed forms and send to the Redemptive Poverty Work representative. • Redemptive Poverty Work Course Survey URL: • Redemptive Poverty Work Course Survey (see Appendix)

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