Redemptive Poverty Work Student Workbook

L E S S O N 2 | T O X I C P O V E R T Y W O R K / 2 3

Toxic Poverty Work

L E S S O N 2

page 17 & 1

Welcome in the strong name of Jesus Christ! After your reading, study, discussion, and application of the materials in this lesson, you will be able to: • Renew your thinking concerning the poverty work you practice. • Reflect on how you may have participated in doing toxic poverty work. • Identify the marks of toxic poverty work. Pray the following prayer: God of the lowly and the mighty, you know the ugliness of your people when we harm and destroy one another, yet you offer us forgiveness of our sins if we but turn to you. Expand our hearts to receive the mercy you give us, that, in turn, we may share your grace and mercy with others each moment of our lives. Amen. Read Luke 4.14-30 . Reflect and journal on potential life application. Close this section by listening to “We Speak to Nations” and meditate on the Scripture you just read. One summer day many years ago after dinner my youngest daughter Gabby asked me if she could go outside and play. We had just moved into the neighborhood, and I didn’t know which families were safe, and which ones were to be avoided. Therefore, I told her she could only play in our yard. After about ten minutes I went to the window to check on her. And I watched as my angel saw some kids down the street, scanned to see if anybody was looking, and marched herself to their yard to play with them. I immediately opened the door, and when our eyes met, she started crying. She walked slowly back to the house to face what her daddy had in store for her. I had three choices. I could give her justice. Justice would be to give her what she deserved for violating my command, a punishment of some sort. I could give her mercy, which is to not give her what she deserves,

Lesson Objectives



~ DailyLectio.

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