Redemptive Poverty Work Student Workbook
3 2 / R E D E M P T I V E P O V E R T Y W O R K S T U D E N T W O R K B O O K
To prepare for the next lesson, please read the following: • Redemptive Poverty Work – “Redemptive Poverty Work” (pages 31-36)
Reading Assignment
• Uncommon Church: Community Transformation for the Common Good – Chapter 4: The People of God: God’s Plan for a Broken World – Chapter 8: Championing the Community: Empowering Grassroots Leaders and Workers – Chapter 10: The Kingdom Is in Us
Prepare for the Quiz. You will be quizzed on the content of this lesson after the Face-to face Meeting. Make sure that you spend time reviewing your chapter reading and covering your notes, especially focusing on the main ideas of the lesson.
Other Assignments
Lesson three, Redemptive Poverty Work , defines the goal of our activity. We’ll explore the three types of poverty work available to us and how our response to the work that Christ has done on the cross should aspire us towards redemption of lives and neighborhoods.
Looking Forward to the Next Lesson
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