Redemptive Poverty Work Student Workbook
L E S S O N 3 | R E D E M P T I V E P O V E R T Y W O R K / 3 7
C. The Redemptive Mindset: loving our neighbors as ourselves (Ruth 1.15-18, 3.9-13)
1. The redemptive mindset is creative restoration through sacrifice.
2. The redemptive mindset says, “I sacrifice, we win.” This mentality encompasses both the recipients of our work and how we employ resources.
3. It is to love our neighbors as ourselves. It is how we join our story to God’s story.
II. RedemptiveWork in the Bible
page 26 & 3
A. Through his death, Christ paid the price for our lives to release us from the prison of sin. It was not only a past event but is an ever-present, ongoing hope (Rom. 5.18-21).
B. The theme of redemption found in the Bible has historically been attached to the concept of Christus Victor ; Christ came to die for sins, to defeat Satan and destroy his works, and to represent the reign of God in the earth (Col. 2.13-15; Heb. 2.14-15; 1 John 3.8).
III. Our Role as Redemptive PovertyWorkers
page 27 & 4
A. Poverty is an oppressive condition people live in, not an identity they possess.
1. We have the responsibility to attempt to improve the quality of life of those who live in this condition (1 John 3.16-17).
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