Redemptive Poverty Work Student Workbook
4 8 / R E D E M P T I V E P O V E R T Y W O R K S T U D E N T W O R K B O O K
2. Fixed Times of Prayer (Ps. 55.17, 119.164; Dan. 6.10) Prayer reminds us of God’s supernatural power. Our poverty work can deceive us into thinking the injustices surrounding our recipients and their neighborhoods are too much to overcome.
page 33 & 4
a. Instead of seeing circumstances as bigger than God, we see God as bigger than the circumstances.
b. Basic Commitment: Commit to a daily focused time of prayer.
c. Advanced Commitment: Commit to a daily focused time of prayer in the morning and the evening.
3. Empowerment. (2 Cor 4.8-15) Our goal is to empower others, not ourselves.
page 33 & 5
a. Instead of seeking to increase our personal profile, we work to empower others.
b. Basic Commitment: Commit to intentionally creating pathways of opportunity for recipients of our work.
c. Advanced Commitment: Commit to a work pattern of 1) understanding the needs of our recipients; 2) helping in a collaborative way; and 3) holding ourselves accountable for results.
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