Redemptive Poverty Work - Student Workbook

L E S S O N 3 | R E D E M P T I V E P O V E R T Y W O R K / 4 1

To prepare for the next lesson, please read the following: • Redemptive Poverty Work – “Rhythms of Life and Poverty Work” (pages 37-50) • Uncommon Church: Community Transformation for the Common Good – Chapter 1: Advocacy Is Not Enough – Chapter 5: Doing Healthy Church: Seven Habits Toward Spiritual Maturity – Chapter 9: Chasing Wild Dreams: Examples of Faith, Hope, and Love in Action

Reading Assignment

Prepare for the Quiz. You will be quizzed on the content of this lesson after the Face-to face Meeting. Make sure that you spend time reviewing your chapter reading and covering your notes, especially focusing on the main ideas of the lesson.

Other Assignments

Lesson four, Rhythms of Life and Poverty Work , lays out the spirituality of the Great Tradition of the Church. World Impact invites you to implement these practices in your life to act as a countermeasure to toxic poverty work, as well as a catalyst to grow in your faith.

Looking Forward to the Next Lesson


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